MajorClarity's Approach to Career Readiness

MajorClarity by Paper unifies teaching, counseling, and career readiness to make it easier for everyone to focus on what matters: equipping students for meaningful and successful careers.

We believe that engagement is everything. Students learn best when they are enthusiastic about learning things that feel important to them—and to their personal goals (but don’t just take our word for it—that’s what the research says).

We know there are as many different versions of success as there are students. But no matter what it looks like for each learner—a job, 4- or 2-year college, an apprenticeship—MajorClarity is built to empower each individual with the ability to flourish after graduation.

See how we help schools and students with Career Readiness:

Hands On Discovery

Our unique career "test-drives" offer students interactive and visual content to explore career paths in a truly one-of-a-kind way. Activities are personalized to student interests according to an assessment of personality and learning styles.

That means students retain more information and use it to make connections across subject areas. So much so, in fact, that students who complete one of our test-drives are 189% more likely to also select a career-aligned course plan of study.

Personalized Recommendations

MajorClarity combines personality and learning style assessments with each student's academic history and career exploration data to create personalized "fit scores" for every student and every career path.

"Fit scores" grow and adapt with students over time, guiding students through a multi-year journey.

Real-Time Analytics

Our fully customizable reporting and analytics tools allows schools to seamlessly track student progress on Individual Learning Plans (often called academic and career plans or graduation plans), CCR requirements, graduation requirements, and much more!

Competency-Based Micro-Credentials

Students need more than just exploratory content, like the videos and activities, to truly discover which career path is best-suited for them long-term. Our micro-credentials help students by:

  • Demonstrating the competencies and knowledge students will need for a given career path.
  • Simulating the depth and rigor of the education required to pursue a given career path.
  • Building a student portfolio that shows initiative, interest, fit, and pre-qualification for opportunities within that career path.

Hear from our partners on why MajorClarity is "the best CCR platform, at the best price, with the best service."

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